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16 Things Everybody Should Stop Doing In Order To Be Successful

Often in life, to be successful it doesn’t require doing more. It requires you to stop. To eliminate the waste in your life. In a culture hardwired to “do it all”, it can be counterintuitive to do less. It goes against everything we’ve been told to do. Try harder, do more. One man that lived nearly 2,000 years ago learned to implement the subtle art of elimination. By ceasing to do many “normal” habits and behaviors, he was able to overcome enormous challenges. Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome from 161–180 AD, had unprecedented access to all the riches of Rome as emperor but due to his position, he also bore the weight of the entire empire. His entire life was met by hardship and unfathomable situations requiring decisions that would make most men crumble under the pressure. Loss of loved ones was a constant throughout his life: his parents at a young age, his wife, and even several children at a very young age. Throughout his reign, he witnessed the devastating effects of pl...

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